Friday, 14 January 2022

Le Parisien

Je reçois le newsletter pendant quelques semaines. Je comprends bien pourquoi il y a toujours plusieurs articles concernant la pandémie de Covid-19. Je comprends aussi pourquoi il y a toujours des articles concernant la présidentielle, même qu'elle ne se déroule qu'en avril. Mais pourquoi il y a chaque jour quelque chose concernant le PSG ... ça me dépasse.

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

42 cilo

Rè nan ceithir sheachdainean bhon tadhal mu dheireadh agam san ospadal, bha fhios agam nach robh mi ag ithe gu leòr. Ach bha dùil agam gun robh mi a' cumail nan 46 cilo a bha agam aig an àm. Cha robh.

Dar an deach mi ann a-rithist an-dè, cha robh ach 42 chilo agam. Eagalach gu dearbh. (Cuideachd, thathar ag ràdh gur e 42 am freagairt airson a h-uile rud ...) Mar sin, a thuilleadh air an stad a chuir sin air a' cheimeo-theiripe, chuir mi romham gum b' fheudar dhomh ithe fada nas motha. Agus ithe pròtainean, beòthamanan agus mar sin sìos, seach dìreach gualuisgeachan.

Tha fhios gu bheil seo a' ciallachadh àm nas lugha airson leughaidh agus a bhith nam shuidhe aig a' choimpiutair-uchd, ga chur seachad ag ithe an àite sin, ach tha sin do-sheachnadh. So an-diugh, air 'St Mungo's Eve', thòisich mi air. Chan eil e furasta, bha eadhon pian ann (gu follaiseach, tha mo stamac fìor bheag an-dràsta), ach feumaidh mi cumail orm. Chan eil dòigh eile ann ma tha mi ag iarraidh maireann beò.


Monday, 3 January 2022

Quote from Thomas à Kempis


In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro. 

(quoted in Umberto Eco: Il nome della rosa)

Which translates as "Everywhere I have sought peace and not found it, except in a corner with a book."

I usually only note down quotations I've come across in their original context, rather than quoted by a 'third party', but this is one of those rare exceptions that I like so much I can't just let them go. Because this truthfully describes most parts of my life, including my childhood: not finding the real world calm enough for my liking no matter where I went, unless escaping somewhere secluded, and there into the virtual world of literature.

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Hogmanay '21

If the truth be told, it scarcely felt like a Hogmanay at all. True, between the continental and insular midnights I emailed New Year's greetings to my friends, and I did stay at my laptop until the latter one; but otherwise it was just an ordinary Friday like any other recently.