This post is of course long overdue; by this time hardly anybody
argues about Brexit anymore, ordinary people just yell “Bring it on
now!” and “Cancel it altogether!”, while politicians are unabashedly
using any methods they can find for their own particular goals.
But while we still had a argument, as opposed to a shouting match, I
found out that, while myself favouring Scotland out of the EU and out of
the UK, I could understand better those who wanted Scotland in the UK
and the UK in the EU than those who wanted it to stay in (whichever) one
of these Unions but leave the other.
Because it seemed to me that the vast majority of people in these
latter two groups were always waxing lyrical about the advantages of
local government, when talking about the Union they didn’t like, and
presaging economical doom and glory if leaving the Union they liked.
Many years ago I was present at a business meeting when at one point
one negotiator accused his opponent, “But half an hour ago you were
using the very opposite argument!” Upon which the latter, quite cooly
and with just the ghost of a smile, retorted, “Sure, because it was
convenient for me.” Immediately the atmosphere changed from tense to
Trouble is, back then we weren’t discussing anything that would have
any direct personal impact on any of us, so he could admit this use of
double standards. After all, we were not presenting ourselves as
paragons of wisdom and virtue either.
(originally posted on Tumblr)