Saturday, 7 December 2019


Early October blood tests having showed raised TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) level, I was referred for endocrinology. At the hospital whose ORL I visit they didn’t accept me at all, but recommended another place, which scheduled my appointment for early December.

After the 2-month wait, a 15-minute walk to a bus stop and a half-hour ride, it was a bit of a surprise when the visit itself turned out as a mere 10-minute interview including a quick ultrasound scan of the neck and a prescription of 50μg levothyroxine pills to be taken daily for 3 months.

But even though I had to go there between two night shifts, I don’t complain. I more or less enjoyed the bus rides on a nice, overcast day between autumn and winter (think John Atkinson Grimshaw), mostly through village-like suburbs and even woods, and the subsequent three pints in my howf (and then going on sleeping until the next shift).

The only trouble is that one’s expected to take the pill at the same time each day. With the irregularity of my waking hours possibly an unresolvable logistical problem.

(originally posted on WordPress)

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