Untypical in more ways than one. To begin with, for some reason I had already had a sort of Christmas feeling in late October, when the company temporarily closed due to lack of orders and we all had a week's holiday.
Then on 3rd December I was diagnosed with cancer, and getting sick leave and not having to attend at work did feel a wee bit like Christmas coming early too, if solely on this account (and despite spending two half-weeks in hospital instead).
But eventually Christmas proper arrived, and after five spent either in hospital, in rehab or visiting my parents, I could once more spend it according to my own wishes. Watching what I wanted to watch, listening to what I wanted to listen to, eating what I wanted to eat and so on, all these when I wanted to. (It's not easy to have a sort of 'British' Christmas when living on the Continent with no other Brits around you.)
The only fly in the ointment was the disease: the related pain, especially at the beginning, and having no idea whether this wasn't my last Christmas ever. But then, one can't ever know that for sure, can one? Still, I believe that under the circumstances I enjoyed it; the proof being that now it's almost over it feels like it went by incredibly fast.
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