Sunday, 6 March 2022

Brussels sprouts & fussy eaters

During the festive period I was led to a slightly oldish article claiming that Brussels sprouts were no longer the most hated British food. Now I was surprised that they had been that in the first place; I was never offered them myself, but I was given to understand they're as much a part of the English Christmas dinner as neeps are of the Scottish Burns' supper.

Of the 'current' top ten I like gherkins, tuna and some other fishes, chicken and red meat, while I don't care about olives and prawns and wouldn't eat mushrooms unless forced to by violence. Overall it's reassuring there are so many other 'fussy eaters'. (There are things I wouldn't eat simply because of how they look.) I see no reason why you should like anything that's served to you: that would be like being one of those who 'like' any kind of music, meaning they actually don't care what's being played as long as there's some noise.

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